- 【英文缩写】: IMT
- 【英文全称】: Interstellar Master Traders (James Blish \"Cities in Flight\" SF series)
- 【中文解释】: 星际大师商人(詹姆斯·Blish“城市”的科幻系列飞行)
- 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
- 【缩写简介】: IMT 相关英文缩写
以上为Interstellar Master Traders (James Blish \"Cities in Flight\" SF series)英文缩略词IMT的中文解释及分类。
英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文意思 |
IMT | Interstellar Master Traders (James Blish \"Cities in Flight\" SF series) | 星际大师商人(詹姆斯·Blish“城市”的科幻系列飞行) |
IMT | International Marxist Tendency (aka Committee for a Marxist International) | 国际马克思主义倾向(又名马克思主义国际委员会) |
IMT | Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (Mexican Institute of Transportation) | 墨西哥交通学会 |
IMT | Intake Manifold Temperature (internal combustion engines) | 进气歧管温度(内燃机) |
IMT | Institute for Market Transformation (Ithaca, New York) | 市场转型研究所(纽约伊萨卡) |
IMT | Imposto Municipal Sobre Transacções (Portugal) | Imposto Municipal Sobre Transacções (Portugal) |
IMT | Iron Mountain, MI, USA - Ford Airport (Airport Code) | 美国密歇根州铁山-福特机场(机场代码) |
IMT | Innovations in Marine Technology (Conference) | 海洋技术创新(会议) |
IMT | International Military Tribunal (post-WWII) | 国际军事法庭(二战后) |
IMT | International Mobile Telecommunication | 国际移动通信 |
- IMT 星际大师商人(詹姆斯·Blish“城市”的科幻系列飞行)
- IDRS Indicateur de DÉpenses de Remboursement de Soins (du secteur libÉral)
- GSP Grille, SystÈme et ParallÉlisme (French: Grids System and Parallelism)
- FMQ FederaciÓn Mundial de Quiroprÿctica (World Federation of Chiropractic)
- FIL FÉdÉration Internationale de Laiterie (International Dairy Federation)
- FFDF FÉdÉration Flying Disc France (French: French Flying Disc Federation)
- ERBS ErregungsrÜckbildungsstörungen (German: Repolarization Abnormalities)
- CVM ContracciÓn Voluntaria MÁxima (Spanish: Voluntary Contraction Maximum)
- APE Association FÉdÉrale Internationale de la Presse Eurafricaine (French)
- ADI AsociaciÓn de Damas Italianas (Italian Ladies' Association, Guatemala)
- ABW Agencja Bezpieczeñstwa WewnÊtrznego (Polish: Internal Security Agency)
- TRM ThÉâtre Royal de la Monnaie (French: National Opera, Brussels, Belgium)
- ZEP Zona de Processamento de Exportação (Portugese: Export Processing Zone)
- PDK Partia Demokristiane e Shqipërisë (Albanian Christian Democratic Party)
- WYRS 我们是你FM-90.7、电台、Manahawkin、海洋郡,新泽西